Socio-educational implications for sustainable development based on mental models of environmental representation


  • José Manuel Muñoz-Rodríguez Universidad de salamanca
  • Noelia Morales-Romo Universidad de Salamanca
  • Raul De Tapia-Martín Fundación Tormes E-B



Education for sustainable development, environmental education, socio-environmental systems, mental models of representation, pictorial language


This study’s overriding aim is to provide an understanding of the models of perception involving the term Environment, with a view to discovering the types of models that exist in people’s minds and the nature of the mechanisms required to advance toward sustainability through environmental education. An interpretative and inferential analysis has been conducted. Each individual in a total sample of 351 people has used a drawing to depict the concept they have of the term environment. The drawings have been studied to reveal the absence or presence of the features corresponding to 16 categories established through a data collection matrix. The results have provided six representative models. We conclude that for the majority of the population the term environment is mainly biological and includes natural aspects, while for a significantly lower percentage it is a term that incorporates biotic, social and technological aspects. These conclusions suggest that Environmental education should go beyond the ecological and aesthetic aspects and principles specific to an environmentalist and/or naturalist perspective of the environment, seeking also social and cultural approaches, informed by human beings’ development and life requirements


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Author Biographies

José Manuel Muñoz-Rodríguez, Universidad de salamanca

Dr. José Manuel Muñoz Rodríguez . Universidad de Salamanca. Departamento de teoría e historia de la educación. Profesor Titular de Universidad. Paseo de Canalejas, 169. 37008. Salamanca. España 923 294630.

Noelia Morales-Romo, Universidad de Salamanca

Dra. Noelia Morales-Romo . Universidad de Salamanca. Departamento de Sociología y Comunicación. Profesora Contratada Doctor. Paseo de Canalejas, 169. 37008. Salamanca. España 923 294630.

Raul De Tapia-Martín, Fundación Tormes E-B

Raul de tapia martin . Director del Centro de Iniciativas Ambientales. Fundación Tormes-EB. Salamanca. C / Toro nº22 oficina 9, 37002 salamanca.


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