Sports leisure in potentially vulnerable young people: perceived benefits and organization of practice
youth sports, leisure time, physical activities, socializationAbstract
The acquisition of a frequent sports leisure practice is one of the objectives that our society must achieve in order to ensure proper health and an improvement of life quality of young people. In turn, sport leisure practices are considered a frontline tool to foster socialization of potentially vulnerable young people. This study examined the effect of vulnerability in sports leisure habits in young people; in their preferences of physical and sporting practices through an organized or autonomous way; and finally, in the perceptions of the benefits that these practices entail. For this purpose, a quantitative research design was conducted, administering an ad hoc questionnaire to a sample of 2694 post-obligatory and non-university students in Spain; 785 of them were labelled as students at potential risk of vulnerability. The results revealed the existing differences between potentially vulnerable and non-vulnerable young people regarding sports leisure practices. The population at risk of vulnerability displayed less active leisure habits than the rest. Likewise, it was found that vulnerable youth had a greater tendency to practice sports leisure activities in an autonomous way, unlike non-vulnerable young individuals, who preferred an organized practice. Similarly, potentially vulnerable young people obtained fewer benefits from sports leisure activities than non-vulnerable ones. The results proved the need to implement structured socio-educational interventions in order to promote sports leisure practices among the most vulnerable young people.
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