The outsourcing of eldercare to migrant women: who decides and what the circumstances are


  • Juana Robledo Martin Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Cristina Martín-Crespo Blanco Hospital Universitario de Móstoles
  • Azucena Pedraz Marcos Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Francisco Cabañas Sánchez Casa Social Católica
  • Alfredo Segond Becerra Hospital Universitario Infantil del Niño Jesús



Family needs, Migrant workers, Employed women, Ethnology, Interpersonal relationship, Social science research


The union between care and women and the fact that it is a social reality in continuous change makes it a strategic field from which to analyze the implications that the socio-economic and cultural transformations have in the existing gender system. Thus the crisis of care is what shows the crisis of the current gender system on which patriarchal society is based and the reproduction of human life is organized. In this context, families have developed strategies to address the care, being one of them to outsource part of the caring tasks in the home by hiring migrant women. With this research we aim to explore how the hiring of a migrant woman for the care of an elderly person takes place in the homes of Avila. For this purpose an ethnographic approach has been carried out to achieve the object of this study, taking as a unit of observation the contracting households and as a geographic field of study the province of Avila. The technique used to collect the information has been in-depth interview. Fifteen people who have hired immigrant women to care for their elderly have been interviewed. We have sought the variability of men and women, the rural or urban context and whether the caregivers, Latin American immigrants, cared full-time or part time. The results indicate that the decision to hire a woman to care for the elder person usually occurs after a deterioration or change in the status and health of the elderly, whether at physical, psychological or social level. The decision to hire is taken mainly by the daughters, showing that this area is considered as something typical of women, to which it is allocated as its own task. It is concluded that the modality of the contracting is very influenced by the greater or less degree of dependence of the elder, that lives alone or accompanied and that resides in urban or rural zone. Hiring a migrant woman is a strategy within a broader range of strategies that the family progressively uses to address the care of a dependent person.


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Author Biographies

Juana Robledo Martin, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Doctora por la Universidad de Salamanca, Diplomada en Enfermería, li­cenciada en Antropología, Master es Salud Comunitaría y Diplomada en Actualización en Me­todología de Investigación Clínica. Experiencia investigadora como miembro del equipo inves­tigador e investigador principal de varios proyectos financiados por el Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria en la temática en las temáticas del cuidado familiar y la violencia contra las mujeres

Cristina Martín-Crespo Blanco, Hospital Universitario de Móstoles

Doctorando en Salud Pública por la Universidad Miguel Her­nández de Elche. Enfermera con experiencia asistencial en el campo de los cuidados al adulto y en cuidados intensivos pediátricos. Experiencia investigadora como miembro del equipo investi­gador e investigador principal de proyectos financiados por el Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS). 

Azucena Pedraz Marcos, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Doctora en Ciencias de la Información. Diplomada en Enfermería. Inves­tigadora principal de varios proyectos financiados centrados en tres áreas: la enfermedad desde la perspectiva del paciente, el manejo de la enfermedad crónica y la metodología de investigación y de educación en la disciplina enfermera. 

Francisco Cabañas Sánchez, Casa Social Católica

Licenciado en ciencias de la actividad física y deporte, entrenador titulado, con amplia experiencia en el desarrollo actividades físicas con personas mayores, niños y adolescentes. 

Alfredo Segond Becerra, Hospital Universitario Infantil del Niño Jesús

Diplomado en enfermería por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Máster en Investigación en Atención Primaria. Enfermero con amplia experiencia asistencial en el ámbito de los cuidados pediátricos y la salud mental


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