Gamifying is not playing, but playing helps to gamify


  • Isaac J. Pérez-López
  • Carmen Navarro Mateos Universidad de Granada



motivation, game-based learning, serious games, professorate, learning


Currently there is a great conceptual confusion between the approaches that have the game as a reference, especially between game-based learning (GBL) and gamification. These arise with the aim of putting the focus of the teaching-learning process on the students, starting from what is significant to them. Within GBL we find serious games, which are created with an educational purpose instead of just for fun, working on different contents in an attractive way. In the present work, the analogical serious game Gami-co is described, implemented in two teacher training courses with the aim of learning the basic pillars of gamification. After that, the perceptions and evaluations that the participants shared about the training process itself and the serious game are presented. Different phases were carried out on its implementation, highlighting the game phase and the subsequent phase of reflection and theoretical-practical explanation, in which the differences between GBL and gamification were established, based on lived experience. The evaluations that the participants shared during the game and reflection phase denote the potential of the serious game in active teacher training.

Key words: game-based learning; serious games; learning; motivation; professorate


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How to Cite

Pérez-López, I. J. ., & Navarro Mateos, C. (2023). Gamifying is not playing, but playing helps to gamify. Retos, 50, 1–7.



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