Do students who practice sport get better grades? A descriptive research with students from same Primary Education school.




Academic Performance, Physical Activity, Primary Education, Extra-curricular


Introduction: The purpose of this research is to analyse the relationship between the practice of extracurricular physical activity and academic performance in Primary Education students who attend the same school. Methods: 110 students (62 boys and 48 girls) aged 8 to 12 years participated in this study. Academic results for one term were compared with the physical activity levels extracted from APALQ questionnaire in its Spanish version. Results: The analysis of results showed that active students obtained significantly higher grades than sedentary students (8.05±1.12 vs. 7.25±1.10; p=0.044). This circumstance is maintained when analysing the results according to the students' gender, although it is only significant in the case of girls (7.98±1.17 vs 6.93±0.82; p=0.038). Conclusions: The study concludes that the fact of practising physical exercise after school hours is a differential aspect for obtaining better academic results, with the special circumstance that all the students from this research are attending the same educational centre.

Keywords: Academic performance, physical activity, Primary Education, extra-curricular.


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How to Cite

Garcia Jimenez, J. V. (2023). Do students who practice sport get better grades? A descriptive research with students from same Primary Education school. Retos, 49, 828–834.



Original Research Article