Socioeconomic level and Body mass index: predictors of physical condition in Chilean students
condición física, nivel socioeconómico, IMC, regresión logísticaAbstract
The aim of this study is to establish a predictive model of physical condition in Chilean adolescents considering the variables Body Mass Index (BMI) and SocioEconomic Group (SEL). The BMI relates the height and weight of the individual and limits the result to a standardized table proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO), while the SEL is determined by the socioeconomic level of the school of origin. Through the variables exposed above, it is intended to establish the existing quantitative relationship and the prediction of the physical condition of 8th grade students in Chile. By using the logistic regression method in the R program, and with the database of the Physical Education Quality Measurement System (SIMCE), it is established that the chances (odds) of presenting a satisfactory physical condition for a student with a BMI above the average decrease in 90.84%, compared to a student with a BMI below the average, keeping the GSE variable under control. In the same way, the proposed model predicts that a student from the medium, medium high and high socioeconomic group have a 38.88% chance (odds) of presenting a satisfactory physical condition. It is concluded that the independent variables proposed in the model can significantly predict the physical condition of the students. In addition, it is concluded that the main results have significance for the public health of the country and exposes the inequities of the Chilean school system.
Keywords: physical condition, socioeconomic level, BMI, logistic regression
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