Analysis of motivation in Primary School Physical Education according to type of teacher




actividad física, niñez, carácter del profesorado, adeherencia, Educación Física, motivación


Knowing the level of student motivation in Physical Education (PE) sessions is one of the relevant factors that every teacher should focus on in order to improve learning processes. If an increase in motivation is achieved in these classes, students will be more likely to engage in sport and/or physical activity outside school, with the resulting physical, psychological and social benefits. The present study analyzed the relationship between the different types of motivation and the gender, years of experience and character traits of PE teachers. A total of 293 students of third cycle of Primary Education (5th and 6th grades), 142 female and 151 male students participated. The "Motivation Questionnaire in Physical Education classes in the third cycle of Primary Education" (CMEF-EP) was used. The results showed a significant influence of the teacher's gender on intrinsic, identified and external motivations. As for the teacher's experience, it had a significant influence on introjected and external motivations. Finally, positive character traits (democratic, understanding, cheerful and fair) had a positive influence on student motivation, while negative traits (serious and authoritarian) had a significant and positive influence on demotivation.

Keywords: physical activity, adherence, childhood, years of experience of teachers, character of teachers.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Ortiz, I. (2023). Analysis of motivation in Primary School Physical Education according to type of teacher. Retos, 49, 386–393.



Original Research Article