Neuromuscular performance in pre-pubertal tennis players of different levels of practice: recreational vs. Competitive
Tennis, youth sports, strength, speed.Abstract
Tennis is a sport that depends on neuromuscular performance during the game, regardless of the level of practice. This study aimed to describe the association between anthropometric and neuromuscular performance in pre-pubertal children tennis players (n=36) aged (10.15-12.77) years and compare them according to the level of practice. The participants were divided into two groups; the first was called "competitive," with a national ranking (n=18) aged (11.66 ± .72), and the second called "recreational" non-ranked in the national system (n=18) aged (11.52 ± .82). Basic anthropometry, including height, weight, and fat mass, was performed, as well as CMJ tests, 2kg medicine ball throws with three different techniques (forehand, backhand, and overhead), and 10m and 20m distance speeds. The comparison by groups t- student test found differences of (p≤0.01) in fat mass, CMJ, and the 20m test, and (p≤0.05) in the medicine ball throw and 10m. The height and CMJ variables were strongly associated with the other variables evaluated and competitive-level players had fitter anthropometric and neuromuscular attributes than their recreational-level contemporaries, perhaps due to adaptations in pre-pubertal ages to the time dedicated to the practice and the competitive demand.
Keywords: Tennis, youth sports, power, speed.
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