Relation between the maximum strength and the blood pressure values in young soccer players in Bogota city




Arterial Pressure, Muscle Strength, Disease Prevention, soccer


Objective. To identify the relationship between the maximum strength values ​​and the blood pressure figures in soccer players from Bogotá. Method. For the study, male university athletes between the ages of 18 and 26 were included, who were divided into two groups: controls and cases based on the value of blood pressure; the case definition was established in those who presented high blood pressure values ​​120-129/>80 mmHg. While the control definition was those who had normal numbers <120 and <80 mmHg. A questionnaire of initial data, blood pressure data, weight and height were applied. For the measurement of maximum force, the Smith squat equipment (PRECOR) was used, through T-FORCE. Results. The group of athletes (cases) presented a higher average strength compared to the normotensive group. As for the other variables, the cases had higher performance in maximum power, mean propulsive phase power, and mean power. A moderate correlation was found between blood pressure and maximum peak strength (p=0.000). Based on these results, a statistically significant mean difference (p=0.000) was identified between the values ​​of maximum strength and blood pressure. Conclusions. In the absolute data, greater force and power were found in the cases, but the average propulsion speed was higher in the normotensive group, which indicates the superior capacity in this group to move the load in less time in said phase.

Key words: Arterial Pressure, Muscle Strength, Disease Prevention, soccer.


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How to Cite

Castro jimenez, L. E., Ortiz Corchuelo, C. A., Yagama Parra, C. D., Becerra Pedraza, D. A., Gutierrez, W. D., & Argüello Gutiérrez, Y. P. (2023). Relation between the maximum strength and the blood pressure values in young soccer players in Bogota city . Retos, 50, 428–433.



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