Evolution of knowledge about food and nutrition in ESO and high school
nutrition, diet, feed, healthy habits, secondary educationAbstract
Society has an increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity, especially in adolescents. The abandonment of the traditional and healthy way of eating and an increasingly sedentary lifestyle are behind this increase, among other reasons. One way to alleviate these effects is to train in healthy habits from childhood. To describe the level of knowledge assimilated in the field of nutrition and food by the students of courses comprised between the first of the ESO and the second of the Baccalaureate, a questionnaire was designed and administered to 182 students. The results show that the average of correct answers in the first year of ESO is 3.72 out of 11, while in the second year of high school, this average doubles to 7.61. So that, as the courses progress, the students delve deeper into the concepts analyzed about nutrition and food and also acquire a meaning in their real context.
Keywords: nutrition, diet, feed, healthy habits, secondary education.
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