Reliability and objectivity of motor coordination assessments for wheelchair users




ataxia, wheelchairs, motor skills, parathletes, disabled persons


Motor coordination is the ability to perform motor activities, including fundamental movement patterns and fine motor skills necessary to manage daily tasks. Its development allows mastering the environment, such as handling objects. The wheelchair user needs good coordination to perform movements efficiently, directly impacting their quality of life. The objective of the present study is to establish the scientific authenticity, in terms of reliability and objectivity, of an already validated battery of motor coordination assessments for wheelchair users (BACMoC). The reliability and objectivity of the instrument were measured with the same sample of 32 wheelchair users (X ̅ = 32.66 ± 11.41 years), consisting of members of the Pará Physically Disabled Association (PPDA), called evaluation group (EG). Initially, at this stage, a single professional applied the BACMoC twice in the SEG to assess the reliability (intra-evaluator error). Then, with the EG, a second evaluator applied the battery above to evaluate objectivity (inter-evaluator error). It was possible to observe a significantly high degree in the stages of verification of reliability and objectivity, with results presented: reliability (r=0.95 with p<0.01) and objectivity (r=0.95 with p<0.001). Therefore, the evaluated battery can be indicated as a valid option for evaluating the motor coordination of wheelchair users.

Keywords: ataxia, wheelchairs, motor skills, parathletes; disabled persons.


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How to Cite

Almeida Lima Júnior, C. M., Figueiredo Freitas de Campos, S., Andrade Dantas, K. B. ., da Rocha Esch, T. R. ., Scudese, E. ., Martins de Souza, D. ., & Martin Dantas, E. H. (2023). Reliability and objectivity of motor coordination assessments for wheelchair users. Retos, 48, 701–707.



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