Sports training process and transition of categories in soccer: an analysis from the bioecological theory of Urie Bronfenbrenner




Soccer, Bioecological Theory, Sports Formation, Young Athlete


 The objective of the study was to analyze the environmental factors associated with the permanence of young soccer players in the transition phase from the under-15 to the under-17 category. Fifteen under-17 footballers participated in the Paranaense Championship. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the participants. The main results pointed to the importance of parental support, combined with public policies and cultural aspects for the continuity of young soccer players in their sports careers. It is concluded that the athlete who receives parental support in the affective and financial aspects, the positive intervention of the factors resulting from the indirect environments, supported by the sports incentive policies, are more likely to remain in the sport.

Key words: Soccer; Bioecological Theory; Sports Formation; Young Athlete.


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How to Cite

Costa Freire, R. ., de Oliveira Jaime , M. ., Ribeiro Contreira, A., Carvalho Ueda, L. S. ., Schatz Beninca, P. H., Barbosa Rinaldi, I. P., Rinaldi, W. ., Angillo Saad, M., & Borges , P. H. . (2023). Sports training process and transition of categories in soccer: an analysis from the bioecological theory of Urie Bronfenbrenner. Retos, 48, 380–387.



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