Tutoring in the pedagogical practice in Physical Education, between supervision and accompaniment: analysis from the experiences of student practitioners





Tutoría, práctica pedagógica, vigilancia, educación


The purpose of this article is to describe the influence of the tutoring process on students in practice of Pedagogy in Physical Education at a University in the south of Chile. Based on a theoretical discussion focused on tutoring, it is problematized by incorporating the approaches of Bourdieu and Foucault. In order to approach the subject matter, a qualitative methodology based on a case study was applied. In doing so, the episodic interview was used as an instrument to investigate the perception of the students in practice in relation to its influence on their tutoring process. Thus, through the qualitative analysis of the content of the accounts of their practical experiences, it was confirmed that the relationship between the students in practice and their tutors is characterized by a dynamic of role hierarchies. In this process, the students are positioned as subjects of evaluation and supervision by their tutor. Moreover, they are influenced by way the tutor carries out the teaching role. It is concluded that the dynamics of the tutoring system influence the students in practice and indirectly limit their freedom of action and opportunities for reflective practice. It is therefore essential to establish institutional guidelines that prevent the indirect influence of the tutor in order to foster relations of reciprocity and trust between tutor and student in practice.

Keywords: tutorship, pedagogical practice, surveillance, education


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How to Cite

Henríquez Alvear, L. (2023). Tutoring in the pedagogical practice in Physical Education, between supervision and accompaniment: analysis from the experiences of student practitioners. Retos, 47, 955–961. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v47.95215



Original Research Article