Assessment of motor skills given by Chilean Physical Education teachers for the correct performance of students who start Chilean Secondary Education
Motor skills, motor assessment, psychomotor test, secondary physical education, questionnarieAbstract
The objective of the research is to know the assessment of the Physical Education (PE) teachers regarding the motor skills (HM) that must be acquired in Primary Education, to perform effectively in the PE classes of Education. Secondary. A descriptive, mixed research design has been chosen. With a convenience sample of 134 teachers who were given a questionnaire and six experts who made up the focus group of this research. For the data analysis, a parametric statistical analysis was carried out using the IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0 program and the audio transcription of the interviews of the group of experts. The study concludes that the motor skills that must be acquired before starting Secondary School are jumping with manipulation of objects, precision throwing, distance throwing, receiving with the hands, reaching run, dribbling, turning in contact with the ground, running spin, kicking the ball and long jump.
Key words: Motor evaluation; psychomotor tests; basic motor skills, motor competence, preschoolers.
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