(Reconciliation between study and training routine: the case of cheerleading at the University of Brasília)


  • Felipe Rodrigues da Costa Universidade de Brasília
  • Hugo Paula Almeida da Rocha
  • Felipe Nunes Serpa Viana
  • Iuri Scremin de Miranda
  • Americo Pierangeli Costa




Dual career, Athletes, Higher education, Institutional policy


Recognized by the International Olympic Committee, cheerleading is a sport that has aroused the interest of new practitioners and is part of the competition program of the Brazilian University Sports Confederation (CBDU) and the International University Sports Federation (FISU). Brazil has a selection that represents the country in international events, with important participation of athletes still in the condition of university students. The objective of this study was to analyze the perceptions of cheerleading athletes from the University of Brasília regarding academic and sports barriers and opportunities, as well as to identify whether there are differences in perception according to the characteristics of the sample, with special attention to sports performance. We carried out an exploratory, quantitative and cross-sectional study with 68 athletes. The initial descriptive analyzes proceeded from the frequency distribution of the answers to the questionnaire and then by cross-tabulations to verify trends between the answers (categorical variables). These trends were evaluated using the chi-square test, for an expected distribution of the crossings of the variables and the results found. Disparities were noticed between the groups according to the training location and the results achieved in the research, in addition to differences between the sexes regarding the compatibility of activities. The main results allowed advancing in the analysis of dual careers for university students at different levels of income, which will therefore require different approaches by the educational institution.

Keywords: Dual career; Student-athlete; Higher education; Institutional policy; Career planning.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues da Costa, F., Paula Almeida da Rocha, H., Nunes Serpa Viana, F., Scremin de Miranda, I., & Pierangeli Costa, A. (2022). (Reconciliation between study and training routine: the case of cheerleading at the University of Brasília). Retos, 46, 896–905. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v46.94156



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