Boxing as an educational resource with adolescents at risk of social exclusion
motivation, physical activity, healthy habits, violence, responsiblituAbstract
The objective of this study was to apply, through boxing, the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model (TPSR, Hellison, 2011) in a group of adolescents at risk of social exclusion. Concretely, the study analysed the effects of the boxing program in the following variables: motivation to physical activity, attitudes towards violence, aggressive behaviour, self-esteem and the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs. The boxing program was applied during nine weeks, with a frequency of three 1-hour sessions per week. A quantitative research methodology and a quasi-experimental design were implemented, with a total of 11 male participants aged between 15 and 18 years (5 belonging to the intervention group and 6 to the control group). All the participants completed the selected questionnaires to measure the study variables, both at the beginning and at the end of the boxing program. The results indicated an increase of intrinsic motivation toward physical activity, and a decrease in external and introjected regulation, in the intervention group regarding the control group. There was no reduction in the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs, but neither an increase of attitudes towards violence or aggressive behaviour. The results indicate that boxing can be an appropriate sport for young people at risk of social exclusion, provided that it is based on the pertinent theoretical framework.
Keywords: responsibility, motivation, physical activity, healthy habits, violence.
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