Metacognitive and self-determined deep learning assessment in university students




Deep learning; metacognition; self-determining learning climate; university.


The present study is focused on assessment the students´ level of metacognitive and self-determined deep learning in relation to academic performance.  All participants studied 1st Grade of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, in the subject of Teaching-Learning Processes, in the 2019-2020 academic year. There have been three questionnaires used: the revised Two-Factor Study Process Questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F) by Biggs et al. (2001) translated into Spanish by Recio and Cabrero (2005); the Spanish version (Matos, 2009), the Self-Determined Learning Climate Questionnaire by Williams and Deci (1996), in its version translated and adapted into Spanish by Matos (2009), and the Metacognitive Strategies Questionnaire by O'Neil & Abedi (1996), translated and adapted version by Vallejos et al., (2012). The results found show statistically significant relationships between the variables of the deep learning approach, self-determined learning climate and metacognition, closely linked with academic performance, regardless of the origin of the students, Baccalaureate or Higher Degree Cycle. Statistically significant differences are found between the way of learning of the students according to their origin. An analysis is made of the implications of university teaching.

Keywords: Deep learning, metacognition, self-determining learning climate, university.


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How to Cite

Simón Medina, N., Del Valle Díaz, S., Rioja Collado, N., & Cuadrado Borobia, J. (2023). Metacognitive and self-determined deep learning assessment in university students. Retos, 48, 861–872.



Original Research Article