Initial Teacher Training in Physical Education, paradigms of training from the perception of the trainer of trainers, ministerial guidelines and curricular networks: case study




Teacher training, Higher Education, Legal regulations, Training Standards, Pedagogy


The present investigation presented an analysis of elements that regulate and interact with the Initial Teacher Training (FID) in Pedagogy in Physical Education (PEF) with the objective of knowing through a regional case study how the FID paradigms are configured in PEF considering the perception of trainer of trainers, curriculum and ministerial guidelines. A qualitative approach was used, data analysis was performed through grounded theory with the support of the Atlas.ti statistical program. The collection of information was carried out through semi-structured interviews and analysis of formal ministerial documentation in force until 2021. The results expose the paradigms that predict from the perception of the trainers of trainers and the analyzed curricula (biological-sports), while the ministerial guidelines They provide a regulation to consider related to quality assurance systems from a normative perspective. In conclusion, there is consistency at a theoretical level in terms of compliance with the requested standards, but an inconsistency between the current and felt demand of the FID in PEF.

Key Words: Teacher training, Higher Education, Legal regulations, Training Standards, Pedagogy.


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How to Cite

Poblete-Valderrama, F., Illanes Aguilar, L., Linzmayer Gutiérrez, L., Cenzano Castillo, L., Quintana Figueroa, C., Garrido-Méndez, A., Rivas Morales, C., & Hetz Rodríguez, K. (2023). Initial Teacher Training in Physical Education, paradigms of training from the perception of the trainer of trainers, ministerial guidelines and curricular networks: case study. Retos, 49, 552–563.



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