Evolution and development of the Spanish badminton 2000-2019


  • Jaime Gómez Rodríguez
  • Pedro Tomás Gómez Piriz
  • David Cabello Manrique Universidad de Granada




sports, sports organization, strategic planning, performance measurement


The management of contemporary sports is based on organizational performance and its consequence in sports performance. An ex post facto case study was designed, a retrospective analysis (2000-2019) of an organizational unit (Spanish Badminton Federation, FESBA) of apreferably qualitative nature, which interacts with statistical predictions and analysis of temporal evolutions. The study includes five dimensions (Economic, Sports, Social, Organizational and Dissemination) and twenty-five variables. The social and economic dimensions, the organization of national competitions, the quality of the results and the dissemination are shown as key indicators (leverage dimensions). The economic dimension correlates with sportsman's licenses, number of clubs and organized national competitions (Rho = .964, .967 and .904 respectively). The organizational dimension had a direct consequence in anncrease in national competitions, achieving a greater interest in broadcast channels (Rho = .838). Stable growth has been observed in the social dimension. It is from 2014 when this evolution is accentuated, coinciding with an audiovisual strategy by FESBA and a projection of the figure of Carolina Marín. The resources of the FESBA have made it possible to obtain a greater number of practitioners generating more school licenses, in a system of national competitions, with an increase in the variable quality of results, simultaneously with a greater number of official licenses and clubs. This statement interacts with the broadcast effect on TV and the media. The synchrony between the evolution of the data analyzed and the performance materialized in the different programs developed by FESBA is demonstrated.


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How to Cite

Gómez Rodríguez, J., Gómez Piriz, P. T., & Cabello Manrique, D. (2022). Evolution and development of the Spanish badminton 2000-2019. Retos, 44, 335–345. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v44i0.90491



Original Research Article