Formative implications of the causal attribution of the result in school football
causal attribution, sports initiation, school football, sportmanship, relative age, results obsession, (causal attribution, sports initiation, school football, sportsmanship, relative age, results obsession)Abstract
The causal attribution of the result of a school's performance affects their performance and construction of their identity. The educational environment of school football exacerbates the micro-social impact of the result, due to its competitive inherence. The study aims to understand the educational implications of the competitive result and its justifying attributions. A multiple case study of ethnographic modality is applied in which, through participant observation, the formative processes of eight under seven football teams are investigated. The 178 observation sessions are contrasted with the qualitative data in the image and the virtual ethnography. The emerging results show that the competitive result is the cornerstone of the formative evaluations, which classify the performance of teams and individual differences of the players according to their aptitudes. The causal attributions tend to externalize the responsibility of the scholar in an arbitrary way and to sublimate their capacities in the success. The study reflects on the need to continue to sensitize the adult environment about the school implications of causal attributions, which affect the construction of self-concept and its educational performance. In addition, there is a need to harmonize the competition models that link the learning of schoolchildren with results.
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