Learning ecosystem school. Stop educational “fastfood”


  • María Sagrario Del Valle Díaz Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5969-7779
  • Alberto Dorado Suarez Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
  • Fabio Jiménez Zazo PAFS Research Group. Faculty of Sports Sciencies. University of Castilla-La Mancha.
  • María Rodríguez Perea Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha




Schools ecosystem; innovation; education; active lifestyles; healthy habits.


Schools as wider learning ecosystems could students, teachers, and families have greater access to learning resources through social interactions and cooperate to improve the quality of life of the educational community through social interaction. This paper presents a new Helthy Project at the IES “Princesa Galiana” de Toledo, to generate an educative engagement culture, improving the quality of life of adolescents, teachers and families, and can contribute to the progress of the school and society. 309 high school students carried out 55 activities during 2018-2019 school year. We have used the descriptive, cross-sectional, quasi-experimental method. Lifestyle has been measured (EYHS questionnaire), physical condition and body composition (Alpha Fitness Battery), Measurement of Intentionality to be Physically Active (MIFA) and satisfaction with the Project. The results show that the intervention through the synergies established between teachers, students, families and local entities, significantly contribute to the increase in the quality of life of the entire educational community, highlighting the increase in sports, improving nutrition and reducing sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, the Project carried out an awareness of healthy, active habits, with a good diet against sedentary lifestyle, causing habits that will last into adult life.

Author Biographies

María Sagrario Del Valle Díaz, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Graduated in EF. Polytechnic University of Madrid. and Dra. Evolutionary Psychology.

Autonomous University of Madrid. Master in Cognitive Neuroscience.

Autonomous University of Barcelona. Professor of Secondary Education in Physical Education.

UCLM professor. Coordinator of the University Master's Degree in Secondary Teacher Training at UCLM.

Alberto Dorado Suarez, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Degree in physical education. University of La Coruña.

Doctor of Science in Physical Activity and Sports. Castilla-La Mancha university.

Professor of Compulsory Secondary Education and Associate Professor at the UCLM Faculty of Sports Sciences.

Master in Senior Public Management from the Polytechnic University of Madrid.

Fabio Jiménez Zazo, PAFS Research Group. Faculty of Sports Sciencies. University of Castilla-La Mancha.

Predoctoral student, hired FPU by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, Government of Spain [reference: FPU17 / 01230]. Member of the Research group, PAFS (Promotion of Physical Activity and Health), Faculty of Sports Sciences, Toledo, University of Castilla-la Mancha. Main lines of research: Quantification and evaluation of levels of physical activity and creation and development of intervention programs aimed at improving health, aimed at children and the elderly with pathologies.


María Rodríguez Perea, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Bachelor of Science in Physical Activity and Sports. Castilla-La Mancha university. Professor of Compulsory Secondary Education and Professor of the University Master's Degree in Secondary Teacher Training at UCLM.

The main lines of research are:

Awareness in physical education, physical activity and sport. Constructivist Paradigm. Functional-Structural Perspective.

Motor Perceptual Model. Constructivist Paradigm. Functional-Structural Perspective.


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How to Cite

Díaz, M. S. D. V., Dorado Suarez, A., Zazo, F. J., & Perea, M. R. (2021). Learning ecosystem school. Stop educational “fastfood”. Retos, 41, 638–647. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v0i41.86073



Original Research Article