Comparative analysis of Pilates and resistance training in physical fitness of elderly


  • Gabrielle Cristine Moura Fernandes Pucci Rosangela José Bernardo Moura e Paulo Cesar Fernandes
  • Eduardo Borba Neves
  • Frederico Santos Santana
  • Dhianey de Almeida Neves
  • Francisco José Félix Saavedra



physical fitness, elderly, Pilates and resistance training, (aptitud física, ancianos, Pilates y entrenamiento de resistencia)


The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of two physical exercise programs (resistance training and Pilates) on the physical fitness of elderly women. The study included elderly women who did not practice any kind of regular physical exercise. They were randomly divided into three groups: 1-Pilates group (PG), 2- resistance training group (RTG) and 3- ludic and cognitive activities group (LCAG). The intervention lasted 24 weeks, each group practiced their respective activity twice a week, 50-60 min each session. The assessment of physical fitness was performed by the Senior Fitness Test battery. The elderly women were evaluated before, during and after the intervention. There was a significant evolution in the variable elbow flexion for PG and RTG, at 24 weeks and PRE. In the RTG there was a significant improvement in the handgrip test between 24 weeks and 12 weeks. We concluded that there was an improvement in the scores of all physical fitness tests for the PG and RTG, however, only the strength variables showed a significant difference.


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How to Cite

Pucci, G. C. M. F., Neves, E. B., Santana, F. S., Neves, D. de A., & Saavedra, F. J. F. (2021). Comparative analysis of Pilates and resistance training in physical fitness of elderly. Retos, 41, 628–637.



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