Empirical didactic experience about flipped classroom on Physical Education area


  • Nerea Felgueras Custodio Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Manuel Delgado Pintor




Pedagogical research, physical education, classroom techniques, educational technology, motor development, motivation


This study aims to analyze the practical application of the flipped classroom or reverse class in various groups of the 5th year of Primary Education in order to check what differences exist between the implementation of a traditional teaching model and an active teaching model in the classroom. For this, a discussion group was held among the teachers in order to collect information on the characteristics of the students and the operation of each group. This allowed two of the three participating groups to implement this methodology, one of them being considered the control group. The design of the teaching unit required the creation of a web portal with information and videos on the content addressed, in this case, related to the practice of handball. The evaluation results show a higher performance in the groups in which the flipped classroom has been implemented compared to the group that does not apply it. Furthermore, high participation in the reverse class favors the development of new motor skills and an improvement in social competence. From these results, it is concluded that the application of the flipped classroom favors the strengthening of the ties between teacher-student, as well as an approach of families towards the study of their children, promoting cooperation and collaboration between families and the educational center. Likewise, motor and social competence have improved, in addition to the involvement and motivation of the students, making the student an active agent of their learning.


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How to Cite

Felgueras Custodio, N., & Delgado Pintor, M. (2021). Empirical didactic experience about flipped classroom on Physical Education area. Retos, 42, 189–197. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v42i0.83002



Original Research Article