Association between academic self-concept with academic achievement in physically active and inactive university students




Self-concept; academic success; physical activity; students; undergraduate


The aim of this research is to associate academic self-concept with academic achievement of physically active and inactive Chilean university students. The study is cross-sectional and evaluated 1383 students from a private university, using the academic self-concept scale (ASCS), the record of grades to obtain academic performance and a dichotomous question about physical activity practice. Bivariate correlations were made between the ASCS, academic self-efficacy dimension (ASE) and perceived performance dimension (PP) with the academic achievement through Spearman's correlation and associations through Pearson's Chi-Square, differentiating the results obtained between the total sample, physically active students (PHAS) and physically inactive students (PHIS). The main results indicate a direct correlation and significant association (p value <.01) between ASCS and its ASE and PP dimensions with academic performance in the total sample, while when differentiating on PHAS and PHIS, both groups show correlation and association between ASCS and academic performance; this shows that the practice of physical activity does not turn out to be a variable that alters the results of the total sample. In conclusion, when students present a greater academic self-concept it is evident that they have better academic performance, regardless of the practice of physical activity.


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How to Cite

Gedda Muñoz, R. A., Villagrán del Picó, N., & Valdés Badilla, P. (2021). Association between academic self-concept with academic achievement in physically active and inactive university students. Retos, 41, 1–8.



Original Research Article