The impact of COVID-19 on physical activity on people who participate on running and cycling sporting events people in Spain and Portugal


  • Jordi Segui Urbaneja Instituto Nacional de Educación Física de Catalunya (INEFC)
  • Rui Pedro Julião
  • Ricardo Manuel Nogueira Mendes
  • Víctor Dorado
  • Estela I Farías-Torbidoni



COVID-19, sports practice in Spain and Portugal, running, cycling


Abstract. The aim of this article is to analyze the impact of COVID-19 on physical activity on people who participate on running and cycling sporting events people in Spain and Portugal. It was considered The situation of sports practice in Spain and Portugal prior to the outbreak of COVID-19, as both governments legislate to protect citizens from the pandemic and it was analyzed the consequences of these acts. A descriptive investigation was carried out using a questionnaire (N=2696) and descriptive statistical analysis according to characteristics and distribution (test of normality) of different variables: frequencies, average, maximum and minimum values, median and IQR. From the results, the following can be highlighted: a) almost complete coincidence between both countries, of the generic profile of the practitioners; the order, by percentage, of the variables, and even the percentages of each variable for four of the five dimensions analyzed; b) the dimension that differs the most is how practitioners in Spain and Portugal adapted during the confinement time, and c) at all times the respondents perceived that the adaptations would be temporary and it was a matter of a few months before they returned to the normality. These data allow to understand the effect of COVID-19 pandemic had on physical activity on people who participate on sporting events in the natural environment in Spain and Portugal.


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How to Cite

Urbaneja, J. S., Pedro Julião, R., Nogueira Mendes, R. M., Dorado, V., & Farías-Torbidoni, E. I. (2021). The impact of COVID-19 on physical activity on people who participate on running and cycling sporting events people in Spain and Portugal. Retos, 39, 743–749.



Original Research Article