Relationship between lifestyles and self-concept in young university students


  • Ángela María Urrea Cuéllar
  • Jaime Arenas
  • Jonathan Hernández Calle



lifestyles, self-concept, university students.


Objective: To relate the beliefs and practices about Lifestyles with self-concept in Psychology students at the Envigado University Institution (Colombia). Material and methods: Cross-sectional study, with a random sample of 165 students, the instruments used were the AF5 self-concept questionnaire which described five dimensions: academic / work, emotional, family, physical and social, and the PCEV- Practices and Beliefs about Lifestyles Questionnaire which measures six dimensions: condition, physical activity and sport, recreation and management of free time, self-care and medical care, eating habits, consumption of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs and sleep. Results: The results show that the relationship between practice (r = -.115), belief (r = .026) of lifestyles and self-concept was not significant (p> .05), while the relationship between practices and beliefs was positive and significant (r = .697; p <.001). Conclusion: It is required to continue studying the relationship between lifestyles and self-concept since the existing evidence of their relationship is not conclusive, and as it turned out, in the present work, as contradictory.


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How to Cite

Urrea Cuéllar, Ángela M., Arenas, J., & Hernández Calle, J. (2021). Relationship between lifestyles and self-concept in young university students. Retos, 41, 291–298.



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