Physical Education for the development of consciousness: A pedagogical proposal
Mindfulness, corporeality, transformative physical education, ethics, politicsAbstract
Abstract: In this essay, a pedagogical proposal in physical education is presented aimed at promoting meaningful learning transferable to everyday life and greater social awareness, based on the integration of mindfulness as an onto-epistemological basis. For this, in the first part, the concept of mindfulness is analyzed from its essential nature according to the Buddhist perspective, which integrates its moral foundations and its political implications. Likewise, the use of mindfulness in the educational field is criticized as a mere technique, in order to, from there, defend the possibilities of its inclusion as an onto-epistemological essence of pedagogical action. In the second part, the principles of this proposal of physical education focused on the expansion of the unconditional consciousness of the human being are developed: a physical education oriented to personal and moral growth, which stimulates political participation and contributes to social transformation.
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