A proposal to gamify step by step without forgetting the curriculum: Edu-Game model


  • Francisco Javier Vázquez Ramos Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Centro de formación permanente "El Valor de la Educación Física" https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5646-2018




gamification, physical education, innovation, curricular coherence


Abstract. Increasingly, gamification takes an important role in the educational field, however, it comes from the business world. It is important to consider how both contexts are regulated in order to make an ethical application of gamification within the educational world. On the other hand, there are different challenges that gamification faces: integrating the elements of the game into learning and not in isolation, combining formative evaluation within didactic approaches, preventing it from falling into maximum simplification and converting it only in the delivery of badges, points or levels, or clarify the terminology that exists around. All this nebula that accompanies gamification in the educational field, causes that erroneous beliefs about it are being established. To try to respond to the challenges that arise in the educational world regarding gamification, a framework, Edu-Game, is proposed that aims to be an approach to understand and understand gamification within the educational world and provide a useful tool to when designing gamified teaching proposals focused on raising the intrinsic motivation and involvement of students in their learning.

Author Biography

Francisco Javier Vázquez Ramos , Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Centro de formación permanente "El Valor de la Educación Física"

Departamento Deporte e informática de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide.

Profesor Sustituno Interino en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide


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How to Cite

Vázquez Ramos, F. J. (2021). A proposal to gamify step by step without forgetting the curriculum: Edu-Game model. Retos, 39, 811–819. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v0i39.76808



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