Improvement of psychological variables in Older Adults through Pilates


  • Mario Alberto Villarreal-Angeles Universidad Júarez del Estado de Durango
  • José Moncada-Jimenez Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Movimiento Humano de la Universidad de Costa Rica
  • Francisco Ruiz-Juan Universidad de Murcia



Senior Adult, Quality of Life, Training, Pilates


Abstract. In Mexico, as in many countries, the elderly population has increased considerably. This increase can be explained by better living conditions, such as better nutrition and new medications. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of a Pilates program on psychological variables in older adults in the State of Durango, Mexico. The methodology included an experimental group (GE n=10) and a control group (GC n=10), and Pre- to Post-test measurements. The participant’s age was between 60 and 80 years. The program length was 12 weeks, where participants attended 50-min sessions, three times per week. Two-by two ANOVA was used to analyze data. The main results were a significant interaction (p < 0.05) between measurements and groups in physical health dimensions, social relationships, and psychological aspects. In conclusion, a 12-week fitness program based on the Pilates method elicits improvements on psychological variables, which are relevant for the achievement of good health in the elderly.

Author Biographies

Mario Alberto Villarreal-Angeles , Universidad Júarez del Estado de Durango

Profesor de Tiempo Completo en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Cultura Fisica y Deporte de la Universidad Júarez del Estado de Durango

José Moncada-Jimenez , Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Movimiento Humano de la Universidad de Costa Rica

Profesor Investigador del Centro de Invstigacion en Ciencias del Movimiento Humano de la UCR

Francisco Ruiz-Juan , Universidad de Murcia

Profesor Investigador de la UM


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How to Cite

Villarreal-Angeles, M. A., Moncada-Jimenez, J., & Ruiz-Juan, F. (2021). Improvement of psychological variables in Older Adults through Pilates. Retos, 40, 47–52.



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