Prediction of body fat through body adiposity index and bioelectrical impedance analysis in a sample of physically active Mexican students (Predicción de grasa corporal mediante el índice de adiposidad corporal y análisis de impedancia bioeléctrica en un


  • Paulina Yesica Ochoa-Martinez Faculty of Sports, Autonomous University of Baja California. Mexico.
  • Javier Arturo Hall-López Faculty of Sports, Autonomous University of Baja California. Mexico.
  • Ileana Solano-Pineda Faculty of Sports, Autonomous University of Baja California. Mexico.
  • Luis Roberto Monreal Ortiz utonomous University of Sinaloa (México),
  • Yamileth Chacón-Araya School of Physical Education and Sports, University of Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica. Human Movement Sciences Research Center (CIMOHU), University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica.
  • José Moncada-Jiménez School of Physical Education and Sports, University of Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica. Human Movement Sciences Research Center (CIMOHU), University of Costa Rica, Cost



Body fat percent, Bioelectrical impedance, Young adults, Physical activity (porcentaje de grasa corporal, análisis de impedancia bioeléctrica, adultos jóvenes, actividad física)


Abstract. Objective: To compare the body fat percentage %BF predicted through the body adiposity index (BAI) BAI in a sample of physically active Mexican college students, using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) as reference method. Methods: 78 volunteered university students (20.67 ± 1.69 yrs.) partake in study considered as highly active; the %BF determined by BIA was performed using Inbody 720; BAI was calculated by anthropometric assessment from hip and height measures calculated as follows: BAI=[hip circumference (cm)/height (m)1.5]–18. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to evaluate the association between BAI and %BF assessed by BIA. Results: The correlations of % BF between BIA and the estimated by BAI were r = 0.81, p < 0.001 in man and r = 0.69, p < 0.001 in women. Paired t-test in man showed a significant mean difference in %BF between methods (p = 0.001). The bias of the body adiposity was 5.77± 4.2 % (CI95% = 4.40 to 7.14), indicating that the body adiposity index method measured lower %BF than the bioelectrical impedance. Paired t-test in women did not show significant difference (p = 0.355). Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient was considered poor in man (ρc = 0.49) and women (ρc = 0.63), indicating than BAI underestimating %BF in relation to the BIA. Conclusion: In physically active Mexican college students, BAI presented low agreement with %BF measured by BIA; therefore, BAI is not recommended for %BF prediction in this sample studied. 

Resumen. Objetivo: Comparar el porcentaje de grasa corporal % BF predicho por el índice de adiposidad corporal (BAI) y el análisis de impedancia bioeléctrica (BIA) en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios Mexicanos físicamente activos. Método: 78 estudiantes universitarios (Edad media= 20,67±1,69 años) voluntarios considerados físicamente activos mediante el cuestionario (IPAQ) participaron en el estudio; Para determinar el %GC con el método de referencia el AIB se realizó con el equipo Inbody 720; el IAC se determinó mediante valoración antropométrica de las medidas circunferencia de cadera y talla calculándose con la fórmula: IAC (%GC)=[circunferencia de cadera (cm)/talla(m)1,5]-18. Resultados: Las correlaciones de Pearson del %GC entre IAC y las estimada por AIB fue de r=0,81, p<0,001 en hombres y r=0.69, p<0.001 en mujeres. La prueba t-Student en hombres mostró diferencias significativas del %GC entre los métodos (p=0,001). El sesgo del %GC fue 5,77±4,2% (IC95%=4,40-7,14), lo que indica que la media del %GC por IAC fue inferior al AIB. La prueba t-Student en mujeres no mostró diferencias significativas (p=0,355). La concordancia del coeficiente de correlación de Lin se consideró pobre en hombres (ρc=0,49) y mujeres (ρc=0,63), indicando que el IAC subestima él %GC en relación con el AIB. Conclusión: En los estudiantes universitarios mexicanos físicamente activos evaluados, el IAC presentó baja concordancia del %GC medido por AIB; por lo anterior, el IAC no se recomienda para predecir el %GC en esta muestra estudiada.

Author Biographies

Paulina Yesica Ochoa-Martinez , Faculty of Sports, Autonomous University of Baja California. Mexico.

Associated professor at the Faculty of Sports, Autonomous University of Baja California. Mexico. Degree: MSc. in Sports Science, Ph. D. in Sport Medicine; Research interests Gerontology, Human Kinetics E-mail:

Javier Arturo Hall-López , Faculty of Sports, Autonomous University of Baja California. Mexico.

Associated professor at the Faculty of Sports, Autonomous University of Baja California. Mexico. Degree: MSc. in Sports Science, Ph. D. in Sport Medicine; Research interests Gerontology, Human Kinetics E-mail:

Ileana Solano-Pineda , Faculty of Sports, Autonomous University of Baja California. Mexico.

Water-exercise Instructor at the Aquatic Complex of the Faculty of Sports, Autonomous University of Baja California. Mexico. Degree: Major in Physical Activity and Sport; Research interests Human Kinetics


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How to Cite

Ochoa-Martinez, P. Y., Hall-López, J. A., Solano-Pineda, I., Monreal Ortiz, L. R., Chacón-Araya, Y., & Moncada-Jiménez, J. (2018). Prediction of body fat through body adiposity index and bioelectrical impedance analysis in a sample of physically active Mexican students (Predicción de grasa corporal mediante el índice de adiposidad corporal y análisis de impedancia bioeléctrica en un. Retos, 34, 128–131.



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