Effects of collaborative strategies on the academic teaching-learning process of pre-youth volleyball players


  • Karla Magdalena Game Mendoza Universidad Estatal de Milagro
  • Gladis del Consuelo Vinueza Burgos Universidad Estatal de Milagro
  • Dalva Patricia Icaza Rivera Universidad Estatal de Milagro
  • Santiago Calero Morales Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4702-331X




Collaborative strategies, Teaching-learning, Meaningful learning, Volleyball


Introduction: Athletes require special educational attention due to the reduced time available for academic learning, which is often dedicated to sports training. Collaborative strategies can serve as a pedagogical approach where students work together to achieve a common educational objective, supporting each other in the process. However, the lack of practical interventions in the consulted literature applied to team sports like volleyball is a limitation when it comes to evaluating their effects on academic performance. Objective: To assess the effects of a collaborative strategy versus the traditional teaching-learning model, in terms of meaningful learning, in subjects taught to pre-youth volleyball players. Methods: A descriptive/explanatory quasi-experimental study was conducted, examining the academic performance of pre-junior volleyball players and non-athlete students with homogeneous academic performance over two trimesters in four subjects. A collaborative strategy was applied during the second trimester to an experimental group (Group 1: n=19), while the control group of volleyball players (Group 2: n=20) and the group of non-athlete students (Group 3: n=20) maintained their traditional educational model. Results: The collaborative strategy was implemented in the experimental group, significantly improving their intergroup academic performance (Biology: p=0.003; Anatomy: p=0.002; Physics: p=0.003; Chemistry: p=0.003) and academic performance compared to the other independent groups. Groups 2 and 3 did not show notable changes in their intergroup academic performance. Conclusions: Collaborative strategies have a positive and significant effect on the teaching-learning process of volleyball players, increasing academic performance in the studied subjects.

Author Biography

Santiago Calero Morales , Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE

Departamento de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas


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How to Cite

Game Mendoza, K. M. ., Vinueza Burgos, G. del C. ., Icaza Rivera, D. P. ., & Calero Morales, S. (2024). Effects of collaborative strategies on the academic teaching-learning process of pre-youth volleyball players. Retos, 61, 1172–1183. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v61.109363



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