Game talk: exploring the linguistic features of sports commentary




Live Sports Commentary, Politeness Strategies, Sports Broadcasting


This study is investigating the linguistic features of sports commentary. The focus is the politeness techniques using and gender-specific language variations observed in 2022 FIFA World Cup. This study used qualitative approach. This study was examining the collection of real-time commentary from various matches in 2022 World Cup. The analysis of this study focusses on prominent politeness methods, including softened criticism, neutral descriptions, respectful acknowledgments, and positive reinforcement. It further investigates the effectiveness of these strategies in the specific context of live sports broadcasting. The findings suggest that the use of politeness tactics is important for maintaining the professional users and engaging tone when commenting the match. This study also found that female commentators disposed to use more supportive and cooperative language, emphasizing teamwork and exertion, while male commentators disposed to use more competitive and authoritative language, focusing on individual performance and strategic analysis. These findings consistent with the research on gender communication and emphasize the significance of comprehending special style communication styles in sports commentary. This study branch holds significant importance for both the field of sports broadcasting and the branch of linguistics. The results indicate that commentator training programs should include knowledge of politeness techniques and gender-specific communication styles in order to improve audience involvement and provide a pleasant viewing experience. This work improves the knowledge of language usage in real-time sports commentary, such as dynamic and culturally significant situation in linguistic form. It highlights the significance of language in reflect and reinforce the cultural values and conventions, promoting inclusiveness, and deepening the spectator’s which tie up with the event.

Keywords: Live Sports Commentary, Politeness Strategies, Sports Broadcasting.

Author Biographies

Wuri Syaputri , Universitas Andalas

Lecturer of linguistics study, focus on sociolinguistics.

Ike Revita , Universitas Andalas

Lecturer of Linguistics study, focuses on Pragmatics. 

Oktavianus Oktavianus , Universitas Andalas

Professor of Linguistics especially on Semantics (Metaphor) and Linguistics Landscape.

Fajri Usman , Universitas Andalas

Lecturer of Linguistics.

Zulfadhli Zulfadhli , Universitas Negeri Padang

Lecturer of Language Studies.

Ardo Okilanda , Universitas Negeri Padang

Lecturer of Sport exercise.

Mukhammad Isnaeni , National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) (Indonesia)

National language researcher

Rani Amrista Wijayanti , Sekolah Global Madani

Language researcher.


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How to Cite

Syaputri, W., Revita, I., Oktavianus, O., Usman, F., Zulfadhli, Z., Okilanda, A., Isnaeni, M., & Wijayanti, R. A. (2024). Game talk: exploring the linguistic features of sports commentary. Retos, 59, 1116–1125.



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