Information technology innovation in sports learning: understanding global trends and challenges
Innovation, information technology, sports learning, trends, global challengesAbstract
This study examines global trends and challenges using information technology innovations in sports learning. The research method used is a systematic literature study with the prism model, which includes the search for scientific literature in the Scopus database from 2019-2024. The results showed that the main trend in the use of IT in sports learning includes increased interest in technology such as fitness tracking, sports training applications, online learning, virtual reality, augmented reality, deep learning, and the Internet of Things (IoT). The positive impact of this trend includes increased effectiveness, interactivity, and personalization of sports learning. However, the global challenges faced include lack of resources, technical barriers, ineffective integration in the curriculum, and security and accessibility issues. To overcome this challenge, collaboration is needed between researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to create a more responsive and digit-connected sports education environment. By utilizing IT innovation effectively, sports learning can improve effectiveness, accessibility, and personalization worldwide.
Keywords: Innovation, information technology, sports learning, trends, global challenges
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