Physical Education and Sport Essential as transversality and body integration in the Learning Process: A Systematic Review


  • Alimuddin Alimuddin Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Syahida Binti Mohd Nazri Universitas Teknologi Mara
  • Liza Liza Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Dewi Pebriyani Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Arif Padli Muchlis Universitas Negeri Padang



Physical Education, Sports, Learning Methods


Superior cognitive function and the sensorimotor system are interconnected in interesting ways, according to recent research primarily related to neuroscience. Some empirical evidence suggests that the state of the body is the foundation of information processing and the idea that incarnations influence different facets of mental events. It disproves the conventional theories in cognitive science and philosophy of mind. Using this theoretical foundation as a starting point, the objective of this contribution is to elaborate the cognitive importance manifested as a new perspective that takes into account the mental processes that are based in how the body interacts with the environment. Following a thorough selection and analysis of research on neuroscience in education, the study concentrated on educators. The method used is to find articles that are relevant to the topic. In order to potentially include them in the study, all headings and abstracts were reviewed. The research title, abstract, and full text found are then read and analyzed. Relevant studies are obtained after a thorough review, provided they meet the inclusion criteria. This analysis shows the strength and key points of research conducted in recent decades focusing on the body's transversality and integration in education. This study sought to determine whether a learning environment that takes into account all facets of personality could enhance learners' perception, comprehension, and deliberate action. The results showed that a significant outcome of the analysis is that theory has the possibility to be applied in various educational contexts and scientific fields. The conclusion is that, the current theoretical framework shows how important physical education and sports are as important components in the learning process. Meanwhile, they also stress the importance of trying and spreading new teaching methods and perspectives.

Keywords: Physical Education, Sports, Learning Methods


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How to Cite

Alimuddin, A., Binti Mohd Nazri, S., Liza, L., Pebriyani, D., & Padli Muchlis, A. (2024). Physical Education and Sport Essential as transversality and body integration in the Learning Process: A Systematic Review. Retos, 58, 20–27.



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