Design and validation of a satisfaction questionnaire for physical-sports programs in female prison centers




satisfaction; women; programs; prisons; physical activity


The aim of this study is to design and validate an instrument that measures the level of satisfaction of female inmates with physical-sports programs in a penitentiary center. A total of 244 interns between the ages of 18 and 59 (M = 33.34; SD = 9.04) joined in the study. They participated voluntarily during the application of the questionnaire in their respective Prisons. The sample was divided into 120 women from the Centre for Social Rehabilitation of Women in Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico, with a mean age = 31.08, standard deviation = 9.07, and 244 women from Brians I Prison in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, with a mean age = 35.52, standard deviation = 8.54. As an instrument, the Satisfaction Scale of Physical-Sports Programs in Penitentiary Centers, was used with a response scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is completely unsatisfied and 5 is totally satisfied. It is confirmed that it has good psychometric properties KMO of .923; Bartlett's Test of Sphericity=1092.685, degrees of freedom=55, p = .000. The total variance explained shows 65% for a single component (factor); Cronbach's Alpha of .94, as well as acceptable goodness and fit indices RMSEA=.09, NFI=.96, IFC=.97, NNFI=.97 and Chi2/gl = 2.86. It can be concluded that the perception of prison inmates regarding program offerings is unsatisfactory. It is recommended that the physical and sports facilities within the prison be expanded, that trained personnel be hired in the area of sports, and that sports programs be designed entirely for women.

Keywords: satisfaction; women; programs; prisons; physical activity.


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How to Cite

Suárez-Pérez, M., Medina-Rodríguez, R. E., Moreno-Muciño, O. ., Díaz-Ochoa, E. A. ., & Ceballos-Gurrola, O. (2024). Design and validation of a satisfaction questionnaire for physical-sports programs in female prison centers. Retos, 60, 1122–1129.



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