Association between the setter's defensive action and subsequent rally actions in the men's and women's national volleyball teams
Match Analysis, Setter, High Performance, Team Sport, World ChampionshipAbstract
The defense of the opponent's attack can be carried out by the setter from complex II. The tactical organization after the setter's defense has gaps. The objective of the present study was to verify the association of the setter's defense following the rally, lift and subsequent attack touch, in men's and women's national volleyball teams. In 110 games analyzed from the 2018 Adult Volleyball World Championship, there were 2280 balls attacked to the setter's defensive position on the ground. In view of this, only rallies that ended with the completion of an attacking touch with the execution of cut or drop techniques were considered as a sample. This stratified 1407 rallies (61.71% of the 2280 rallies), with 688 men's rallies and 719 women's rallies that had three possible outcomes: point in favor or continuity or point against. The level of association between this outcome of the attack touch and the setter's defense location, the effectiveness of the setter's defense, the identification of the player who lifted, the identification of the player who attacked, in addition to the identification of the attack technique used was verified. . The chi-square test revealed that there are greater associations of points in favor when: i) the setter of the men's teams defended in the defensive zone; ii) the libero performed the lift in the women's teams; iii) the powerful attack technique was used in both sexes. In view of the above, there are differences in the tactical behavior of the male and female counterattack after a defensive action by the setter, although the powerful attack is preponderant in obtaining the point in favor in both genders.
Key words: Match Analysis; Colocador; High Performance; Team Sport; World Championship
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