Questionnaire on Values in Team Sports with Bachelor's Degree Students in Physical Education in Mexico




Physical Education, Questionnaire, Values, Team Sports, Collaboration-Opposition


Having reliable and valid instruments to know the values in sports is key as a basis for promoting a practice with an ethical sense. The purpose of this study was to delimit the construct validity and reliability of the Questionnaire on Values in Team Sports with Physical Education teachers in training in Mexico. Based on the preliminary version of this questionnaire, it was administered to a sample of 1064 students of the Bachelor's Degree in Physical Education. Principal component factor analysis with Varimax rotation, used to delimit construct validity, led to the determination of 26 explicit values in collaboration-opposition sports. In terms of reliability, Cronbach's α coefficient gave an excellent result (.983). The study showed the presence of four factors: Respect for rules, Prosocial behavior, Personal and team success, and Personal development and fulfillment. These results offer psychometric qualities that allow us to scientifically approach the knowledge of the value systems of the people participating in collaboration-opposition sports that orient their training towards the specific field of Physical Education.

Keywords: Physical Education, Questionnaire, Values, Team Sports, Collaboration-Opposition.


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How to Cite

Garduño Durán, J. ., Ruiz-Enciso, L. ., & Ruiz-Omeñaca, J. V. (2024). Questionnaire on Values in Team Sports with Bachelor’s Degree Students in Physical Education in Mexico. Retos, 54, 653–659.



Original Research Article