The “practical sense” of volleyball: support for the analysis of socio-sport projects


  • Alessandra Weiss Ferraz de Oliveira Federal University of Paraná
  • Daniel Minuzzi de Souza Federal University of Paraná
  • Carla Cristina Tagliari Federal University of Paraná
  • Wanderley Marchi Júnior Federal University of Paraná



Socio-sports projects, Sociology of Sport, Methodological path, Volleyball, Pierre Bourdieu


This research seeks to establish a debate on the functioning of socio-sports projects and the discourse engendered by provisions that link sport to the resolution of various social demands. When it comes to volleyball, there are important aspects to consider: restricted access to sports clubs and the existence of public access projects that seek to balance this social balance. The aim was to identify how volleyball has been presented in the proposals of different institutions, in other words, what is the practical meaning of volleyball in Brazilian socio-sports projects, based on the construction of an analysis proposal interpreted in the light of Pierre Bourdieu. In short, this analytical exercise on the subfield of volleyball in the projects listed seems to converge on a regularity of practical sense in the relationship between the interests of the institutions and the sports field. In this research, it was observed that most of the time, decision-making is related to sponsorship, and the visibility of a brand or an agent, indicating that marketing may be one of the factors that mobilizes volleyball in different regions of the country and sometimes contributes to its massification.

Keywords: Socio-sports projects; Sociology of Sport; Social Programs; Volleyball; Pierre Bourdieu.

Author Biographies

Alessandra Weiss Ferraz de Oliveira , Federal University of Paraná

PhD student in Physical Education at the Federal University of Paraná (2019), Master in Physical Education at the Federal Technological University of Paraná (2017-2019), Master in Education at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (2016 - 2016), specialist in Neuropsychology and Learning (2014) and in Public Sports Management at UEPG (in progress), graduated in Physical Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (2010). She has experience in Physical Education and is currently a teacher at the Curitiba City Hall (PMC - 2012), working in the Leisure Department. Her main areas of knowledge and interest include: volleyball, educational sport, emotional self-control from the perspective of Norbert Elias' sociology and social psychology, sport in Pierre Bourdieu's sociology, public policies for social sport and volleyball social sports projects.

Daniel Minuzzi de Souza , Federal University of Paraná

Graduated in Physical Education from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2003), Specialist in Research in Human Movement Science from UFSM (2005); Master in Physical Education from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2010), and PhD student in Physical Education, from the Federal University of Paraná (2020 -2024). Currently a professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Santa Catarina, Campus Blumenau, SC, he has experience in the area of Physical Education, with an emphasis on School Sport, participating mainly in the following themes: Media-sports discourse; Pedagogical practice, media-education and print media; Sports teaching methodology.

Carla Cristina Tagliari , Federal University of Paraná

Bachelor's Degree in Physical Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná - PUC-PR (2006), Specialist in Sports Training Sciences from PUC-PR (2007), Master's Degree in Physical Education from the Federal University of Paraná - UFPR (2009), Specialist in Management and Strategic Planning from PUC-PR (2011) and Degree in Physical Education from the Federal University of Paraná - UFPR (2022). Sports and Leisure Advisor at SMELJ, Curitiba City Hall, working as a public manager in the Youth Advisory Department. Professor at UNIFAEL, teaching our bachelor's and bachelor's degrees in Physical Education. He works as a researcher at the Center for the Study of Public Policies for Sport and the Sports Intelligence Research Institute (IPIE) - UFPR.

Wanderley Marchi Júnior , Federal University of Paraná

Has a degree in Physical Education and Sports Coaching from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1987), a master's degree in Physical Education from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (1994), a doctorate in Physical Education from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2001) and a post-doctorate in Sports Sociology from West Virginia University/USA (2012). He is currently a Full Professor at the Federal University of Paraná. He has experience in Physical Education, with an emphasis on Sociology of Sport, working mainly on the following subjects: sport, volleyball, physical education, sociology of sport and history of sport. He works in the postgraduate programs, at master's and doctoral level, respectively in the Physical Education and Social Sciences departments at the Federal University of Paraná. She coordinates the research group CEPELS/Centro de Pesquisas em Esporte, Lazer e Sociedade/UFPR, registered with CNPq. He was president of the Asociación Latinoamericana de Estudios Socioculturales del Deporte/ALESDE (2014-2018). He is Corresponding Editor of the International Review for the Sociology of Sport/IRSS - Journal of the International Sociology of Sport Association/ISSA and was a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Sport Sociology/JSS of the North American Society of Sport Sociology/NASSS. He was Editor-in-Chief of JLASSS/Revista da ALESDE (2010-2014) and a member of the Extended Board of the International Sociology of Sport Association/ISSA (2012-2019).


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How to Cite

Weiss Ferraz de Oliveira, A., Minuzzi de Souza, D. ., Tagliari, C. C., & Marchi Júnior, W. (2024). The “practical sense” of volleyball: support for the analysis of socio-sport projects. Retos, 52, 438–446.



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