Proposal for hybridization of Cooperative Learning and Project-Based Learning in Secondary School, through strength training and according to SDG 3 (Health and Well-being)




Proposal for hybridization of Cooperative Learning and Project-Based Learning in Secondary School, through strength training and according to SDG 3 (Health and Well-being), INGLES


The aim of this work was to present the proposal carried out in Physical Education through the hybridization of two innovative methodologies, Cooperative Learning and Project Based Learning, through the education of strength training in order to enhance the Sustainable Development Goal "Health and Well-being" (SDG 3) and qualitatively assess the experience of students. The proposal called "Strength X Health" consisted of 12 sessions for students in the third year of secondary school, which were aimed at improving their autonomy and health, using strength training as the main axis and concluding with the achievement of a final project where everything learned was compiled. The most outstanding results highlighted the positive evaluation by the students of the "Strength x Health" proposal, the involvement of the students in cooperative work for the development of a common project and the acquisition of proposals for strength training. Improvements in physical condition were observed, and the importance of promoting physical activity and the understanding of healthy habits from an early age was emphasized. In conclusion, this study offers an innovative proposal to promote health and wellbeing in secondary school students through physical education, supported by the fulfillment of sustainable development objectives.

Keywords: Physical Education, Strength Training, Secondary, Cooperative Learning, Project Based Learning, Formative Assessment and Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Health and Wellbeing).

Author Biographies

Diego Beleño Gallego

Es el autor principal

Antonio José Cardona Linares , Universidad de Zaragoza

Departamento de Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal. Profesor Ayudante Doctor.


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How to Cite

Beleño Gallego, D. ., Cardona Linares, A. J., & Cenizo Benjumea, J. M. (2024). Proposal for hybridization of Cooperative Learning and Project-Based Learning in Secondary School, through strength training and according to SDG 3 (Health and Well-being). Retos, 53, 636–650.



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