Development of heading accuracy and strength in U18 male defenders and attackers
soccer, heading, strength, precision, accuracy, sport trainingAbstract
Objective: To evaluate the effect of a technical-tactical training intervention focused on improving heading, by means of a prototype of panels and electronic sensors proposed to measure the precision and strength of heading, in soccer players of the U-18 category of the "Gualaceo Sporting Club" group. Methodology: A quasi-experimental design was applied in soccer players belonging to the "Gualaceo Sporting Club" of the city of Gualaceo - Azuay, a team of the professional category of Ecuadorian soccer. The 17 to 18 year-old athletes received a 12-week intervention that included training to improve the strength and accuracy of heading. At the beginning and end of the study, strength and accuracy measurements were performed by means of a prototype built ad hoc. The prototype included force sensors, LED systems and was connected to a computer and the ARDUINO software tools were used to control it. Results: The twelve soccer players (age 17.25 ± 0.45 years, height 169.01 ± 3.69 cm, body weight 60.03 ± 6.1 kg, and 9.83 ± 2.44 years of sport experience) showed a significant improvement in strength (203.31 N increase, p-value<0.001, large effect size) and heading accuracy (1.92 point, p-value<0.001, large effect size). Conclusions: A 12-week training with technical-tactical exercises improves the strength and accuracy of heading in soccer players, the above measured by a prototype of panels and electronic sensors (with high validity and sensitivity). It is necessary to continue similar studies on heading training methods that include objective measurements, in order to complement the specific training methods.
Key words: soccer, sport training, youth sports, equipment design, technical gesture.
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