Relationship between the results of the specific teaching competence (2016-2021) and the Curricular Struc-ture of the Physical Education, Recreation, and Sports program of the Central Unit of Valle del Cauca




Currículo, prueba estandarizada, competencia enseñar, calidad, educación física


Standardized tests are a quality assessment instrument for which higher education institutions are called upon to develop processes that feed their curricula and strengthen the specific competencies of professionals, in the specific case of bachelor's degrees, which respond to the acquisition and development of specific skills through teaching, training, and evaluation in order to show the appropriation of skills related to pedagogy, didactics, evaluation, and curriculum. The research's central objective lies in analyzing the relationship between the curricular structure of the UCEVA Physical Education, Recreation, and Sports Degree program with respect to the results of the Saber Pro Test in the specific area of teaching competence. According to the statistical analysis of the Saber Pro Tests in the years 2016–2021 in the UCEVA, a concern has been evidenced by the results that do not exceed the national average of 150 points; therefore, the curve goes downwards compared to the other programs of the university and degrees; said degree is located in the penultimate place, with the Degree in Social Sciences in the last place. This study is part of a qualitative research with an interpretive approach, which analyzes the relationship between the results of the Saber Pro Test in teaching and the curricular structure of the Bachelor's Degree in Physical Education, Recreation and Sports at UCEVA. It originates from the observation of low averages in the teaching competence of students. Test data will be used, as well as questionnaires and interviews with students and teachers. Analysis methods will include simple coding, double-entry matrix, and triangulation of qualitative data. It was concluded that there is a relationship between the low results of the Saber Pro Test and the microcurricular structure, given that the guidelines evaluated by the Test are not evident, as are the themes and methodologies described by the ICFES in the microcurricula.

Keywords: curriculum, standardized test, teaching competence, quality, physical education.


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How to Cite

Cardona, M. (2024). Relationship between the results of the specific teaching competence (2016-2021) and the Curricular Struc-ture of the Physical Education, Recreation, and Sports program of the Central Unit of Valle del Cauca. Retos, 51, 377–387.



Original Research Article