La preparación espiritual como mediador en la relación entre la actividad diaria y el conocimiento del fútbol entre los estudiantes indonesios (Spiritual preparation as a mediator in the relationship between daily activity and football knowledge among indonesian students)


  • Nurwahidin Hakim Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Iman Sulaiman Department of Sport Education Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Samsudin Samsudin Department of Sport Education Universitas Negeri Jakarta,
  • Ika Novitaria Marani Department of Sport Education Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Rasyidah Jalil Department of Sport Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo
  • Dery Rimasa Department of Sport Education and Coaching Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Fatiha Khoirotunnisa Elfahmi Research Department of Education and Childcare Yayasan Pendidikan Rausan Fikri
  • Arrahman Arrahman State University of Jakarta
  • Eko Bagus Fahrizqi State University of Jakarta


Palabras clave:

daily activity, football, knowledge, spiritual preparation, student


Un estilo de vida caracterizado por un desequilibrio en las actividades diarias puede afectar significativa y negativamente la salud física y el desempeño cognitivo. A pesar de esto, los estudiantes a menudo pasan por alto la importancia de mantener el equilibrio, descuidando aspectos como la calidad del sueño, la nutrición y la actividad física. Sin embargo, las actividades diarias de los individuos pueden impactar tanto su preparación espiritual como su conocimiento. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo investigar la influencia de la actividad diaria en la preparación espiritual y el conocimiento sobre el fútbol de los estudiantes de deportes indonesios. Se realizaron pruebas de hipótesis utilizando análisis de ruta, con la participación de 204 encuestados. Se aplicaron técnicas de remuestreo para analizar 500 puntos de datos. Los hallazgos indican que el estilo de vida diario, medido por la actividad diaria, influye significativamente en la preparación espiritual y el conocimiento de los estudiantes de deportes. Notablemente, la preparación espiritual surge como un mediador en la relación entre la actividad diaria y el conocimiento, destacando su papel crucial. El estudio subraya la importancia de fomentar hábitos de vida saludables, incluidas las dimensiones espirituales, entre los estudiantes de deportes. Las recomendaciones enfatizan la necesidad de intervenciones orientadas a aumentar la conciencia sobre la interconexión entre las actividades diarias, la preparación espiritual y el conocimiento, contribuyendo así positivamente al bienestar de los estudiantes de deportes dentro del entorno universitario.

Palabras clave: actividad diaria, fútbol, conocimiento, preparación espiritual, estudiante

Abstract. A lifestyle characterized by imbalance in daily activities can significantly detrimentally affect physical health and cognitive performance. Despite this, students often overlook the importance of maintaining balance, neglecting aspects such as quality sleep, nutrition, and physical activity. However, individuals' daily activities can impact both their spiritual preparedness and knowledge. This research aims to investigate the influence of daily activity on the spiritual preparedness and knowledge about football of Indonesian sports students. Hypothesis testing was conducted utilizing path analysis, involving 204 respondents. Bootstrapping techniques were applied to analyze 500 data points. The findings indicate that daily lifestyle, as measured by daily activity, significantly influences the spiritual preparedness and knowledge of sports students. Notably, spiritual preparedness emerges as a mediator in the relationship between daily activity and knowledge, highlighting its crucial role. The study underscores the importance of fostering healthy lifestyle habits, including spiritual dimensions, among sports students. Recommendations emphasize the need for interventions aimed at enhancing awareness of the interconnectedness between daily activities, spiritual preparedness, and knowledge, thus contributing positively to the well-being of sports students within the collegiate environment.

Keywords: daily activity, football, knowledge, spiritual preparation, student

Biografía del autor/a

Nurwahidin Hakim , Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Nurwahidin Hakim is a lecturer at the department of Sport Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo. He received his master’s from Makassar State University. He is currently is doctoral student at Universitas Negeri Jakarta, majoring in Sport Education. His research interests are football, sports science, physical education, and sports learning.


Iman Sulaiman , Department of Sport Education Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Sulaiman is a lecturer in the department of sport education at Jakarta State University, His research interests are physical education, learning, and sport. 

Samsudin Samsudin , Department of Sport Education Universitas Negeri Jakarta,

Samsudin is a lecturer in the department of sport education at Jakarta State University, He is a Professor in the field of physical education and received a doctorate in sports at Jakarta State University. His research interests are physical education, learning, and sport. 

Ika Novitaria Marani , Department of Sport Education Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Ika Novitaria Marani received her doctorate from Jakarta State University. Her research interests are sports, coaching, communication management, and education.

Rasyidah Jalil , Department of Sport Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo

Rasyidah Jalil is a lecturer at the Department of Physical Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo. He received a master’s degree from Airlangga University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Sports Health Sciences, and Makassar State University, Faculty of Sports Science. His research interests are sports science, sports in medicine, nutrition, kinematics, and biomechanics.

Dery Rimasa , Department of Sport Education and Coaching Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Dery Rimasa is a lecturer in sports physical training from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. He earned a master’s degree at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia with research focus on sports coaching

Fatiha Khoirotunnisa Elfahmi , Research Department of Education and Childcare Yayasan Pendidikan Rausan Fikri

Fatiha Khoirotunnisa Elfahmi is a teaching assistant at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia and Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta. She is also a researcher in Yayasan Pendidikan Rausan Fikri. She received master's education from National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan. Her research interests are education, gender, student rights, and spirituality.

Arrahman Arrahman , State University of Jakarta

Arrahman is an accomplished academic and researcher in the field of sport and education. He received his Master of Sport Education from the prestigious Jakarta State University, where he honed his expertise in this multifaceted domain. Arrahman's research interests span the interrelated areas of sport, education, and physical activity.

Eko Bagus Fahrizqi , State University of Jakarta

Eko Bagus Fahrizqi holds a Bachelor's Degree in Physical and Health Education from Universitas Lampung and a Master's Degree in Sports Education from Universitas Negeri Jakarta. He gained a strong foundation in topics such as exercise science, sports training, physical activity promotion and physical education.


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Cómo citar

Hakim, N., Sulaiman, I. ., Samsudin, S., Marani, I. N., Jalil, R. ., Rimasa, D., Elfahmi, F. K., Arrahman, A., & Fahrizqi, E. B. (2024). La preparación espiritual como mediador en la relación entre la actividad diaria y el conocimiento del fútbol entre los estudiantes indonesios (Spiritual preparation as a mediator in the relationship between daily activity and football knowledge among indonesian students). Retos, 57, 887–895.



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