Crisis, social transformations and uncertainty




crisis, social change, uncertainty, Spanish society


The various waves of crisis that have affected Spanish society since 2007 have brought with them profound social changes that have not yet been fully analyzed. Each of these waves has had its own particularity and has had a greater impact on some aspects than others (economic, employment, health, security or international relations, personal or family relations, etc.). However, because of the concatenation of all of them, Spanish society has undergone intense transformations, whether shared with other societies in our globalized environment or with more singular profiles due to our particular socio-historical context. In this monograph, we propose to study some of these social alterations through both more general reflections and more particular case studies. The purpose of this volume is to provide a series of important sociological materials on the critical and post-pandemic era in which we live in, marked by crisis, social change and growing uncertainty.

Author Biographies

Igor Sádaba Rodríguez , Complutense University of Madrid

Instituto TRANSOC. Departamento de Sociología Aplicada, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

José Santiago , Complutense University of Madrid

Instituto TRANSOC. Departamento de Sociología Aplicada, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.


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How to Cite

Sádaba Rodríguez, I., & Santiago, J. (2024). Crisis, social transformations and uncertainty. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 33(2), a220.