Analysis of the Future Classroom in the Spanish Context
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Future Classroom
Smart Classrooms
Primary Education
Secondary Education
Digital Technologies Aula del Futuro
Clases Inteligentes
Educación Primaria
Educación Secundaria
Tecnologías Digitales

How to Cite

García-Tudela, P. A., Prendes Espinosa, M. P., & Solano Fernández, I. M. (2023). Analysis of the Future Classroom in the Spanish Context: [Future Classrooms in Spain: an analysis from teachers´perspective]. Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, 67, 59–86.


The progressive integration of digital technologies in the educational context has led to the development of initiatives in which the school space is restructured and innovative teaching models are proposed. A specific case at European level is the "Future Classroom", which have spread to several countries, including Spain, which is our research context. Given the novelty of this experience, an exploratory quantitative study and survey design has been proposed. An ad hoc questionnaire was designed and answered by a sample of 66 teachers who teach in Spanish Classrooms of the Future. The data analysis is descriptive and correlational. The results show that these classrooms mainly use active methodologies, the assessments carried out are mainly formative and various digital technologies are used as teaching resources (different in Primary or Secondary Education). There is widespread teacher satisfaction in all the dimensions analysed. It is concluded that there are many positive results, despite the emergent nature of the proposal and the consequent technical and pedagogical effort involved in implementing this type of initiative.
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