Cultural snapshots and Flipped Classroom: prospective teachers’ perceptions
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Métricas alternativas



Flipped classroom
educational models
teaching method innovations
cultural snapshots
primary teacher education Aula invertida
modelo educativo
innovación pedagógica
instantáneas culturales
formación de docentes de primaria

How to Cite

Colomo-Magaña, E., Cívico-Ariza, A., Sánchez-Rivas, E., & Linde-Valenzuela, T. (2023). Cultural snapshots and Flipped Classroom: prospective teachers’ perceptions: [Instantáneas culturales y Flipped Classroom: percepciones de futuros docentes]. Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, 66, 173–198.


Flipped Classroom (FC) methodology allows a reorganization of times in the classroom and outside of it. For asynchronous work, when the content of the subject is more reflective, cultural snapshots, a combination of cinema, music and literature, can be used as a didactic resource. The objective of this research was to know the perceptions of future teachers about FC using cultural snapshots. A quantitative longitudinal panel design (pre-test and post-test) with a descriptive and inferential approach was used. The sample consisted of 111 prospective teachers from the University of Malaga (course 2021/2022). A validated instrument was applied to measure perceptions about FC methodology. The results reflect positive perceptions of the FC methodology, significantly improving valuations when using cultural snapshots. There were no significant differences when comparing by gender, although men had a better perception after using the cultural snapshots. In conclusion, the use of cultural snapshots as a didactic resource can be an positive alternative to work on more complex contents if we use the FC methodology.
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