Strengths and weaknesses of the school mediation from the perspective of students in secondary education
mediation, secondary school students, secondary education, solving problems, social participation, evaluation, democratic coexistenceAbstract
In this paper we present a study to know the valuation of school mediation as an educational strategy taking into account the views of students in five schools in secondary Valencia, where the formal mediation process has been active for at least two years. It also seeks to identify the strengths and weaknesses identified.To achieve the objectives it has collected information from 593 students through an ad hoc difference between issues that all students must answer questionnaire; questions addressed only the students who have gone to mediation service; and finally issues to respond only the students who have acted as mediators.Through descriptive exploratory study conducted, is highlighted as a result the great general agreement exists on the part of students participating in valuing very positively to mediation, particularly their impact on conflict resolution and prevention of serious and violent situations. On the other hand, as for improvement, poor training in mediation and little relation to those benefits linked with faculty is detected, since mediation seems so positively influence the teaching faculty teaching in the classroom and in the relationships between students and faculty. In conclusion, the study shows that school mediation is considered advantageous for students and an opportunity that helps them manage their own conflicts, although there are aspects that should work towards the educational potential of school mediation in the improving coexistence and configuration of democratic citizenship.
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