The focus on human rights in the educational projects of Galicia
Rights Education, High school, Human rights, Citizenship, TransformationAbstract
A mixed investigation was undertaken with the objective of analyzing the presence of the focus on human rights in the Educational Projects of the Center of 116 Institutes of Secondary Education in Galicia, selected through a stratified sampling. A descriptive analysis of the axial categories associated with each of the human rights descriptors and the content
of the explicit references to human rights was carried out. The results revealed that rural environments mention each of the dimensions in their projects to a greater extent than urban centers. Likewise, 34 explicit references to human rights were noted in 3 centers (2.58%); which allude to all the principles of the action plan of the world program for Human Rights education, except for the development of capacities in educational leaders. It is considered necessary to promote the focus on human rights at the secondary level.
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