Self-acceptance and meaning/purpose in life between senior citizens residing in nursing home


  • Ana Concepción Flecha García Escuela de Magisterio de Bilbao (Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU)



Self-acceptance, meaning/Purpose in life, senior citizens, nursing homes, psychological well-being


To determine the presence of self-acceptance and meaning in life between senior citizens residing in nursing homes is the essential purpose of this study. To that end, the results obtained with the exploration of these dimensions in a sample of 66 individuals are exposed. Both dimensions have a fundamental role for a good psychological function according to the eudaimonic well-being perspective adopted by Ryff and Seligman well-being models. The study defines and describes the characteristics of self-acceptance and of meaning/purpose in life needs, which are the most specific dimensions of well-being associated to a good psychological function and to personal growth. This work also presents the main conclusions achieved during the investigation regarding the influence that age plays in both dimensions. The exploration was developed under the phenomenological qualitative method. The information obtained through semi-structured interview developed based on the proposed objectives, making the , identifying and differentiating the underlying categories, in order to understand the life experiences of the senior citizens and answer questions about the presence a positive attitude toward self and the presence of targets that determine the purpose, direction and vital sense. Most of the residents present a positive attitude toward self, showing a high self-esteem and self-acceptance. Thus, they set goals for the present, focused in values of experience and attitude that give sense to their lives, especially the ones aimed to positive interpersonal relationships. They show values oriented toward self-well-being but also toward their community well-being. Analysed dimensions reveal, globally, a good level of subjective psychological well-being among the residents, similar to the one of those seniors not living in nursing homes. This degree of well-being is closely related to health conditions, especially functional health, personality, to the attitude towards the fact of living in these institutions, quality of care, and to a context that allows the residents to cultivate their interests and possibilities.


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Author Biography

Ana Concepción Flecha García, Escuela de Magisterio de Bilbao (Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU)

Profesora titular en el departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación.


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