Adolescents and lifestyles. A study on students’ leisure in the province of Rome
Adolescents, Lifestyle, Free-time, LeisureAbstract
This study aims at analyzing and interpreting the practices that adolescence influences in their spare time. The social interest aroused during adolescence influences social behaviors and allow us to collect data and better know the lifestyles of adolescents in their leisure time. For this reason, the main aim of this research is to study the leisure practices pursued and desired by Italian adolescents in the province of Rome, discovering the main elements that may be associated with these behaviors. To this scope, we have opted, in this study, for the use of a quantitative methodology, both descriptive and inferential, using, as a measure, the mACOFYD questionnaire, which was administered to a total sample of 2401 secondary school students from the Province of Rome, Italy. The results of this study have highlighted that the physical and sport activities are chosen and desired by most of the pupils studied, and that these practices are closely linked to the level of education of their parents. moreover, the findings of these research also stress the link discovered between Roman adolescents and their physical and sport behaviors, and the enormous popularity that technological practices have in the lives of adolescents.
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