Adult hepatoblastoma. A case report
Hepatoblastoma. Primary hepatic tumours. Adult.Abstract
Adult hepatoblastoma is a rare pathology. Its pathogeny is not well understood and prognosis is very bad. We present a case of adult hepatoblastoma treated in our centre.
A 65 year-old male, without previous hepatopathy, who consulted due to right hypochondrial pain with a subacute evolution. The pathological diagnosis was adult epithelial hepatoblastoma, with free surgical margins. The patient received a second surgical intervention 5 months later due to early recurrence and died 10 months after the diagnosis due to a new massive recurrence. His definitive diagnosis is histological. Radical surgery is the only treatment that increases survival, but recurrence is frequent. There are no well-defined patterns of adjuvant chemotherapy nor is there any transplant experience.Downloads
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